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Theories of Personality pt 3

ICA #14 (From last time)

Personality Test

  • 1 = Disagree strongly, 5 = agree strongly

  • I see myself as someone who…

    1. Is reserved
    2. Is generally trusting
    3. Tends to be lazy
    4. Is relaxed, handles stress well
    5. Has few artistic interests
    6. Is outgoing, sociable
    7. Tends to find fault with others
    8. Does a thorough job
    9. Gets nervous easily
    10. Has an active imagination


  • I see myself as someone who…
    1. Is reserved = 5
    2. Is generally trusting = 3
    3. Tends to be lazy = 4
    4. Is relaxed, handles stress well = 3
    5. Has few artistic interests = 2
    6. Is outgoing, sociable = 1
    7. Tends to find fault with others = 5
    8. Does a thorough job = 5
    9. Gets nervous easily = 5
    10. Has an active imagination = 5


  • R = reverse
  • N = normal
  • (R; 1=5, 2=4, 3=3, 4=2, 5=1)
    1. R
    2. N
    3. R
    4. R
    5. R
    6. N
    7. R
    8. N
    9. N
    10. N

My score

  • = 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 5
    • = 30
    • Audio 0:06:17.906329

Where does personality come from?

Genetic vs. learned?

  • Temperament
    • Physiological disposition to respond to the environment in certain ways
      • Audio 0:08:16.491145
    • Present in infancy, assumed to be innate
      • To some extent genetic
    • Relatively stable over time
      • Audio 0:09:12.580248
  • Includes…
    • Reactivity
    • Soothability
      • Audio 0:09:35.591669
    • Positive and negative emotionality

Heritability of personality

  • Heritability
    • A statistical estimate of the proportion of the total variance in some trait that is attributable to genetic differences among individuals within a group
  • Heritability of personality traits is about 50 percent
    • Within a group of people, about 50 percent of the variation associated with a given trait is attributable to genetic differences among individuals in the group
    • The rest is environment
  • Genetic predisposition is not genetic inevitability

Environmental influences

  • Non-shared environment: unique aspects of a person’s environment and experience that are not shared with family members
  • Partially explains why siblings raised in the same home would not have identical personalities
    • Not every encounter each sibling has is shared by the other(s)
  • Culture
    • individualist vs. collectivist
    • agricultural vs herding society -> “culture of honor” -> aggressiveness
    • Life experiences and role changes
      • Audio 0:19:22.921496
    • Going to college, job responsibilities, traveling, long-term relationships, having children, etc.
  • (In a different study / different graph)
    • A study found that southern people have a stronger physiological reaction to altercation
      • Audio 0:25:40.192140
        • When called an asshole, they had significantly higher cortisol levels than the northern subjects.
    • Audio 0:28:07.183955
      • Graph shows that you might have an abrupt spike in maturity after a traumatic or serious life event.
        • I.E becoming a parent gives you a slower spike
        • Being exposed to a disaster like the April 27th tornado makes you spike in maturity all at once.

Strong Situation

    • Audio 0:31:06.283555

Weak Situation

    • Audio 0:31:43.605402

Interaction of Personality and Situation

  • Reciprocal determinism
    • Two-way interaction between aspects of the environment and aspects of the individual in the shaping of personality traits
  • Ultimately, personality reflects:
  • A person’s underlying disposition
  • The activation of the person’s goals in a particular situation
  • The activation of the person’s emotional responses in the pursuit of those goals

ICA #15

  • Audio 0:35:11.324360
    1. In psychoanalysis, the part of the personality that represents reason, good sense, and rational self-control is called A. libido B. the ego C. the superego D. the id
      • B
    2. Howard’s psychologist asks him to take a personality test. The test consists of a series of standardized multiple-choice items. The test also includes a section where Howard is asked to rate himself on a series of scales. What type of test is this? A. projective test B. objective test C. Rorschach test D. humanist test
      • B
    3. __ is a fundamental personality dimension that describes whether people are cooperative and secure, or irritable and abrasive. A. Agreeableness versus antagonism B. Extroversion versus introversion C. Neuroticism versus emotional stability
      • A
    4. In Kaiti’s culture, the wishes of the individual take precedence over group harmony. It is most likely that Kaiti defines her “self” _____. A. In context of the community B. In regard to her personality traits C. In regard to her birth order D. in the context of her relationships
      • B

Chapter 15

  • Just-world theory
    • The believe that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people
  • Cognitive dissonance
    • What happens when someone has a belief that conflicts with what they’re being told
      • Tend to rationalize it


  • An inferred process within a person or animal that causes movement either toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation
    • Audio 0:45:17.651855
  • Intrinsic Motivation
    • The pursuit of an activity for its own sake
  • Extrinsic Motivation
    • Pursuit of an activity for an external reward (like money)


Term Definition
temperament Physiological disposition to respond to the environment in certain ways
Heritability A statistical estimate of the proportion of the total variance in some trait that is attributable to genetic differences among individuals within a group (50%)
Non-shared environment unique aspects of a person’s environment and experience that are not shared with family members
Reciprocal determinism Two-way interaction between aspects of the environment and aspects of the individual in the shaping of personality traits
motivation An inferred process within a person or animal that causes movement either toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation