1. Describe three populations of users with special needs. For each of these populations, suggest three ways current interfaces could be improved to better serve them.

Three populations of users with special needs which could need enhanced user interfaces are people who are hearing-impaired, sight-impaired, or movement-impaired. People with damaged or lack of hearing need interfaces which do not rely on that sense to function. Therefore, an interface which cues users with a ‘ding’ sound when an event takes place might consider pairing the noise with a blinking element on the screen or another visual way of getting one’s attention. For those with impaired or no vision, navigating and using the interface cannot rely on sight to function. Using an ATM as an example interface, interfaces could be improved through narrative prompts letting users know what actions are available to them and either brail atop the buttons which control those actions or verbal control of those actions. Movement-impaired individuals need interfaces which do not necessarily require them to move in order to interact with the system. For these users in the ATM example, audio control might be a way to allow them better access to the system without making them perform impossible or uncomfortable tasks.

  1. Suppose you need to design a system for users in both the United States and Japan. Present a list of cultural differences that you should be aware of so that a successful design can be made.

One difference that a system in Japan would need as apposed to a system in the United States is that it would need to display text from right to left as opposed to left to right. Also, in Japan one’s title (such as Mr, CEO, Dr, etc.) means more than it does in the United States.

  1. In certain interfaces, it is necessary to inform users of an abnormal condition or time-dependent information. It is important that the display of this information catches the user’s attention. Suggest five ways a designer can successfully attract attention.

Designers can attract attention through blinking, use of colors which are bold or different than the other colors on the screen, using different fonts than the standard font, size of font or elements on the screen, and use of audio.

  1. Name a piece of software you often use where it is easy to produce an error. Explain ways you could improve the interface to better prevent errors.

Pokémon Go gives errors all the time and sometimes does not work, but gives no error to tell you what to do. Most of the errors involve client-server communication issues and there might not be a simple fix for stopping the errors completely. However, the software should show a better explanation of the problem to the user and better instructions of what to do when you see the error. For example, if the problem is that the server is over-loaded, the app might show you the message “Could not log in.” Instead, it would be better if the software told you an understandable reason of why you could not log in such as “The server is down. Please wait before trying again,” so that the user does not attempt to log back in in vain.

  1. List some human physiological or psychological factors that can influence human operator performance.

Being tired, frustrated, or confused lead to human errors.