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CH 3 - Guidelines, principles, and theories

  • Audio 0:01:12.975700
  • Guidelines
  • Principles
  • Theories
  • Difference
    • Guidelines are low-level, practical designs, principles are more abstract, and theories are even more abstract that try to make the design process easier
  • Benefit of guidelines
    • Standardization of interfaces
    • Audio 0:03:45.145182
    • Consistency
    • Best practices
      • From practical experience
    • Or from studies
    • National Cancer Institute Guidelines
      • Audio 0:04:54.886882
      • Use radio buttons for binary choices
        • Prevents the user from being able to make a mistake
      • Use thumbnail images instead of larger images
        • Reduce page load time
        • Low internet speeds
        • Wasting time
    • 1986 Principles
      • Consistent data display / memory load
      • Audio 0:07:24.298561
      • Getting users’ attention
        • Changing color to a non-standard one
        • Size of elements
        • Audio 0:09:08.934676
        • Dangers
          • Flashing at a certain rate can harm or distract users
          • You can clutter your interface
      • Facilitating data entry
        • Audio 0:11:08.431975
        • Don’t make user input long lines of text
        • minimal input
          • Reduce errors
          • Reduce data processing on the back end
        • Consistency
          • Don’t confuse the users
          • Audio 0:13:36.482119
        • minimal memory load
          • Not making them remember too many things at once
        • compatibility entry/display
        • flexibility
  • video
  • Audio 0:18:12.039305
  • HHS 508 Compliance


  • Audio 0:23:19.553955
  • No single design will be useful to all users in all situations so we want to picture a user when we design


  • Audio 0:24:46.939491
  • Age
  • Experience
  • Origin or ethnicity
  • purpose for using software


  • Audio 0:27:12.908985
  • Tasks and personas
  • Audio 0:28:20.233732
  • Look at an interface you use frequently and think about the personas you might create

MyBama personas

  • Inexperienced freshman
    • Register for classes
    • View their schedule
    • Find books
    • Find housing
    • Get a meal plan
    • Get Bama bound orientation
  • Experienced senior
  • Young Faculty
  • Old faculty
  • Old Students
  • Foreign students
  • Disabled students and faculty

  • Audio 0:33:12.875552
  • Discussion
  • Students
    • Existing
    • Incoming
  • Faculty
  • Parents
  • Visitors


user register schedule find books meal plans e-mail enter hours payments parking input grades set permissions
student xx xxxx xx x xxxx   xx xx    
faculty                 xxx  
  • Audio 0:39:56.912584

Design choices

  • Audio 0:43:54.701790
  • When do you choose to implement a language vs a GUI?

Schneiderman’s eight golden rules

  • see Vocab
  • Audio 0:48:28.160320

How to design interfaces to prevent errors

  • Audio 0:49:05.030186
  • Offer a tutorial
  • Disable options that could cause you to cause an error or that aren’t currently an option
  • Use standardized elements that they’ve seen before
  • Reduce memory load


Term Definition
difference between guidelines, principles, and theories Guidelines are low-level, practical designs, principles are more abstract, and theories are even more abstract that try to make the design process easier
guidelines Make interfaces more consistent, are implemented from practical experience, and from studies
important guidelines consistent data display, reduce memory load, use appropriate methods of getting attention, and facilitate data entry
persona types of users you are designing for on a given project
factors of a persona age, experience, origin or ethnicity, purpose for using software
508 compliance means all users, regardless of disability status, can access technology
8 golden rules prevent errors, universal usability, consistency, offer informative feedback, design dialogs to yield closure, keeping users in control, prevent short-term memory load, and reversible