Navigate using audio


  • You need to submit an idea or the fact that you don’t have an idea by tomorrow night to blackboard
  • Audio 0:01:36.512224
  • Someone did a robot with a face that changes when you tell it things (mood)
  • People have made apps of things around campus
  • Audio 0:02:50.978653
  • For class next week, if not many people have ideas, we’ll use class to figure out the project idea

Intro to Design

  • Audio 0:04:25.364576
  • More high level
  • Today is design process in general
  • Later will be how do you evaluate design
  • Audio 0:05:37.283149
  • Every time you make a digital artifact, you are making decisions and thus designing
    • Even though it might not feel like designing
  • Audio 0:06:46.009063
  • Three ways that good design makes you happy
  • Audio 0:20:14.374219
  • What are things that stood out in the video?
    • Comfortable
      • Happy, think creatively
    • uncomfortable
      • Focused, but un-creative
  • Audio 0:25:38.879283
  • If software isn’t fun and easy to use, people will use an alternative
  • Audio 0:26:18.045601
  • “Design is a process and not a state”
    • Meaning
      • It’s dynamic and not step by step
        1. Requirements
      • Audio 0:28:31.977102
      • Use case
        • description of how a particular user will interact with the system to accomplish a particular task
      • The process of collecting use cases (Anything not a use case should not be in the system)
        1. Design
      • Audio 0:30:40.662594
      • Try to develop a mental model consistent with the mental model the user should have to use and understand the system
        1. Implement
        2. Evaluate
      • You might do these steps 100 times
      • Audio 0:32:25.643012
      • How do you measure “goodness” of the interface
        • Time to learn, error-rate, etc
        • Surveys

User-centered design

  • Audio 0:34:54.615972
  • user-centered design vs participatory design
    • user-centered design makes sure you get input from the users while designing while participatory design has users involved in the actual design process
  • Audio 0:36:45.033722
  • video
  • What the $@%^ is UX?
  • Audio 0:42:40.819544
  • You have to balance what the users want and what you can deliver
  • You don’t have to be artistic to design interfaces
    • It’s not art, it’s a science

Participatory design

  • Audio 0:45:07.380258
  • video
  • Audio 0:50:54.256935
  • Participatory design techniques
    • Gets the users to think creatively
    • Looks like participatory design would take longer

Focus Group

  • Audio 0:55:54.310256
  • Interview is like 1 on one, focus group is like a group interview
  • Audio 0:57:12.044040
  • Ethnographic interpretations
    • Sends designers into the field where the interface is being used
    • Become part of the culture

Scenario development

  • Examines how might people use my system?
  • Audio 1:00:11.662222
  • Example - basalmic is a wire frame tool for drawing interface designs
    • Medium fidelity design


Term Definition
How do pleasant things work better? Being anxious and frightened makes you think “depth-first” and focused, but fun things allow you to relax and think outside of the box
Design phases requirements, design, implementation, and evaluation
requirements phase The process of collecting use cases (Anything not a use case should not be in the system)
use case description of how a particular user will interact with the system to accomplish a particular task
design phase Tries to develop a mental model consistent with the mental model the user should have to use and understand the system
user-centered design makes sure you get input from the users while designing
participatory design has users involved in the actual design process
Ethnographic interpretations becoming part of the culture using the product in order to design it better
scenario development examines how people might use your product