Navigate using audio


  • Audio 0:01:25.679338
  • Cool features don’t make your app easier to use
  • When do you apply certain features
    • Simpler is sometimes better

Examples when filling in forms and using menus is easier than direct-manipulation

  • Audio 0:02:31.320854
  • When you have a lot of specific kinds of data
  • Searching is better with an input box
  • When you need high precision

How can we allow users to select things

  • Audio 0:05:05.312498
  • Binary menus
  • Radio buttons
  • Check boxes
  • Trees
  • Sliders
    • Range of input
  • Pull-down menus / combo-box
  • palettes
  • ribbons
    • Allows for context specific actions
  • shortcuts
  • gestures
    • size of screen matters

Considerations for smaller screens

  • Audio 0:13:13.823219
  • Data Entry
    • Don’t make things too small
    • Easier to overload the user
  • Font size
  • Layout
  • Interruptions
    • User can get a text or a call in the middle of working through a form
    • Need to save state
  • Audio 0:23:28.918312 Apple Watch navigation

Webby Awards

  • Audio 0:27:48.651847
  • See website
  • Hilariously hard to navigate

Audio Menus

  • Audio 0:51:29.693806
  • You can’t have to many submenus
  • It’s not visible
    • You don’t know if your option is even there

Filling out forms

  • Audio 0:55:43.507105
  • If you fill out a field incorrectly, it might highlight it
    • Does it happen immediately or after submit, etc
  • E-mail for closure
  • Modal vs non-modal forms
    • modal won’t let you do anything until you’ve interacted with it.


Term Definition
inputs for selecting binary menus, radio buttons, check boxes, trees, pull-down menus, palettes, ribbons, shortcuts, gestures
when filling in forms might be easier than direct-manipulation when there is a lot of data or when you need high precision
considerations for smaller screens data entry, font size, layout, interruptions