1. Consider voice-activated digital assistants such as Siri, Cortana or Google Talk. Identify a situation or scenario where you chose to use this personal assistant, and identify a scenario where you chose to avoid it.

I would find Siri, Cortana, and Google Talk useful when my hands are tied or when the alternative input is not effective (like touch screen typing). However, I would not want to use these tools when I am in a noisy area or when I have a keyboard and mouse in front of me.

  1. As a follow-on to the previous question, produce a thoughtful argument about what role spoken interaction should have in user interfaces. Be sure to list at least three benefits and limitations of spoken interaction.

Spoken interaction is effective when the user has visual or motor impairments because they can interact with their device without looking at it or touching it. It is also useful for people who need to use their hands to drive a car or have their hands full. Furthermore, it is useful when the user is fatigued and wants to use an input method that is more natural and takes less thought. However, spoken interaction is hard to use in a noisy environment. It can also lead to anger when it misunderstands the user. Furthermore, it can be slower than typed input.

  1. Some designers suggest that speech recognition should be used in a telephone menu system. This would allow users to interact with the system by speaking instead of pressing buttons on the dial pad. Give two arguments for and two arguments against the proposal.

A speech recognition menu would allow users to not have to type complicated information. Also it would allow them to input information without having to look at their phone and potentially miss spoken information. However, if the speech recognition software fails to accurately interpret speech then the user could become distressed and reduce the quality of the call or accidentally give the system incorrect information.

  1. Define when “speech production” is successful and discuss methods for its implementation. Cite examples.

Speech production is successful when the users understand it and interact with it naturally such as when using the Subway and receiving instructional information over intercom or when taking a tour with a robot tour guide.

  1. There exist applications of human language understanding technology. Name some examples.

One example of natural language understanding technology is Nuance Software’s Dragon NaturallySpeaking software which allows you to control your computer, take notes, and fill out forms using speech. Many people who struggle with typing or using computers (such as doctors) find that it is much more natural to use and saves them time.

  1. List several situations when command languages can be attractive for users.

Similar to my previous responses, command languages are most attractive when using your hands is impossible or inconvenient. Also, it is effective when users are motor or vision impaired. It is also attractive when it functions naturally so that the user feels they are simply talking to a person.