
Navigate using audio

Audio 0:00:40.105677

Part C of Project

  • Submit it October 12th at midnight
  • By October 13, before class, we need everything prepared.
    • Have to come to class with lo-fi prototype
  • Audio 0:06:31.739881

When would you use voice recognition

beneficial poor
driving / hands occupied when you’re in public
easy when the search is complicated
no mouse / keyboard names

Is voice recognition replacing typing?

  • Audio 0:20:24.722999

Obstacles of Speech recognition

  • Audio 0:21:54.759599
  • Noisy environments
  • Poor quality microphone
  • Different accents and dialects
  • Learn commands
  • error correction

Obstacles of Speech Production

  • Audio 0:23:59.605676
  • privacy
  • pace of speech
  • pronunciation
  • short-lived

  • Audio 0:28:52.281136
  • NaturallySpeaking video
  • Nuance Dragon Drive

Speech Synthesis Types

  • Audio 0:34:41.814216
format synthesis concatenated synthesis canned
screen reader   Morgan Freeman Birmingham Airport

When is command language faster than GUI?

  • For expert users
  • Programming
  • Complicated data
  • Audio 0:50:38.424237


term definition
good scenarios for voice assistants driving, hands occupied, the voice command is simple, entertainment, poor lighting
bad scenarios for voice assistants when you’re in public, when it’s noisy, the search is complicated, you need to give it names
obstacles of speech recognition noisy environments, poor quality microphones, accents, dialects, learning commands, error correction
obstacles to speech production privacy, pace of speech, pronunciation, short-lived
format synthesis speech generated using algorithms
concatenated synthesis created using speech fragments (pasted together)
canned speech speech that has been pre-recorded
when is command language better than a GUI? For expert users, programming, or inputting complicated data