Navigate using audio

Display Design

  • What are strange sequences you’ve seen around?
  • Audio 0:01:52.702271
  • Whenever you order a pizza
    • You build
  • Self-checkout
    • Two displays - one for pay and one for ringing you up - and they’re not in sync.

Guidelines On A lot of Data

  • Audio 0:04:53.976167
  • Group similar fields
    • spatially
    • lines
    • color
    • separate by screen

Sequence Guidelines

  • Audio 0:09:14.153892
  • Being able to go back
  • progress indicators
    • Need to know how long it’s going to take in case they don’t have time
    • prevents rushing and frustration

View or Window Management

  • Audio 0:11:24.273649
  • You have to keep them manageable
  • Coordination
    • Ex: photoshop - need your pallet and your photo window open at once
    • Windows explorer: need to see folders/files and see a preview as well
  • Navigation


  • Audio 0:15:10.159731
  • When is it good?
    • Entertainment
    • Getting attention
    • Explanation


  • Audio 0:18:19.403245
    • Audio 0:24:55.223570
    • Animation makes it easier to see how lifespan and money has increased over time

BumpTop Multi-touch

  • Audio 0:27:32.927978

Mistakes on Web-based Displays

  • Audio 0:33:44.620799
  • Making text too small
  • Too much content
  • Burying information too deep
  • Confusing navigation
  • unexpected location
  • unclear links
  • bad tables
  • color combos
  • bod forms
  • missing features

Color Issues

  • Audio 0:38:45.289976
  • Using a relatively small number of colors
  • Using color for specific things
  • Universal


anthropomorphic design problems

  • Causes users to feel like they machine is capable of more than it is

Error messages

  • Audio 0:57:36.825977
  • Use proper capitalization
  • Tell how to resolve it
  • Tell the location of the error
  • Don’t use harsh wording


Term Definition
grouping field layout guidelines group spatially, with lines, with color, or separate by screen
sequence guidelines being able to go back and progress indicators
view/window management guidelines keep layout manageable, coordination, navigation between windows
good uses of animation getting attention, tutorials, entertainment
mistakes on web-based displays making text too small, having too much content, burying information too deep, confusing navigation, putting information in unexpected places, unclear links, bad tables, bad colors, bad forms, or missing features
color guidelines small number of colors, color for specific things, universal usability (colorblindness)