Produce a definition of data visualization. Explain how it caters to the perceptual abilities of humans.

Data visualization aims to take large or complex data sets and highlight their significance visually using tools such as graphs, charts, or any sort of size comparison.

Describe a taxonomy of interactive dynamics that combine the analysis task with the practical operations that users need in their visualization tools of interactive dynamics that results in task types for data visualization (Heer and Shneiderman, 2012).

Tableau uses customized charts for analysis to help companies make sense of their data.

Describe a summary of data types and example visualization techniques associated with each.

1D Linear organizes data on a single metric. For example, sorting a list of data items alphabetically. 2D Map displays data across two metrics: for example, food stamp use, by county in the United States. 3D World visualizes a 3D representation of data. For example, CAD software. Multidimensional data is data that is plotted across two or more dimensions: a bar chart for example. Temporal data is data over time. A line graph of any measure over time is temporal. Tree data is hierarchical. The display of a family tree on would be tree data. Network data is data that is connected spacialy, but not necessarily hierarchically. A network map is an example of this.

Describe three challenges data visualization researchers face when trying to build an interface. Suggest solutions to conquer these problems.