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Audio 0:00:00


Therapy Techniques in Practice

  • Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

  • Treatment of Depression

  • Treatment of Bipolar

  • Treatment of Schizophrenia

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

  • Treatments that focus on behavior and cognition are superior

  • Phobias 

    • Audio 0:05:50

    • Systematic desensitization 

    • Graduated exposure

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

  • Treatments that focus on behavior and cognition are superior

  • Panic disorder: best treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Obsessive compulsive disorder: best treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure with response prevention

    • Audio 0:08:15

    • Treated with exposure sometimes

      • If someone has a fear of germs, you might have them shake a bunch of people's hands without allowing them to clean their hands to show them they won't explode

Treatment of Depression

  • Treatment options

    • Pharmacological (MAOIs, SSRIs, atypical)

    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy 

    • Alternative therapies (ECT, TMS, DBS)

  • The placebo effect needs to be considered in judging effectiveness of medication

 Audio 0:11:27

Gender Issues in Treating Depression

  • Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men

    • The APA published Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Girls and Women (2007) to build awareness of gender-specific stressors

  • Men are reluctant to admit to depression and to seek appropriate therapy

    • This has been described as “a conspiracy of silence that has long surrounded depression in men” (Brody, 1997)

  • One goal is to help men stop masking their depression with alcohol, isolation, and irritability

Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

  • Lithium is more effective treatment, although we don’t really know why

  • Lithium is an “anti-manic” drug

  • Bipolar disorder is often treated both with lithium and antidepressants

Treatment of Schizophrenia

  • Pharmacological treatments are superior

  • Typical antipsychotics (e.g., Haldol) and atypical ones (e.g., Risperdal)

    • These are the best treatments for schizophrenia

    • Affect dopamine

    • May have side effects

      • Motor impairments, involuntary movements

      • Audio 0:15:50

  • Social skills training can be a useful adjunct to pharmacological treatment

    • e.g., involuntary movements

  • It is in the best interest of patients with schizophrenia to treat the disorder early and aggressively

  • Most clients with schizophrenia improve over time

    • One long-term study that followed participants for an average of 32 years showed that between half and two-thirds were recovered or had experienced considerable improvement in functioning on follow-up (Harding, Zubin, & Strauss, 1987)

  • Prognosis depends on factors that include age of onset, gender, etc.

Audio 0:18:20

(Nothing after today will be on the next test)

Difficulties in Treatment

Treating personality disorders

  • Borderline

  • antisocial

Treating disorders in children

Treating Personality Disorders

  • Little is known about how to treat personality disorders

    • Very few large, well-controlled studies have been undertaken

  • Most therapists agree that personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat

Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Associated Characteristics

    • Cannot stand to be alone

    • intense

    • unstable moods

  • Dialectical behavioral therapy

  • DBT proceeds in three stages

    • The patient's most extreme and dysfunctional behaviors are targeted with a focus on replacing them with more appropriate ones

      • Person learns problem-solving techniques, methods of coping with their emotions, and how to control their attention

    • The therapist helps the patient explore past traumatic experiences that may be at the root of emotional problems

    • The therapist helps the patient learn self-respect

      • Learn how to cope with problems on their own

Audio 0:26:04

Antisocial Personality Disorder

  • Treating those with antisocial personality disorder often seems imposible

  • Patients lie without thinking twice about it, care little for other people's feelings

  • Patients are often more interested in manipulating the therapist

  • Psychotropic medications have not been effective in treating this disorder

  • Audio 0:29:30

  • Traditional psychotherapeutic approaches are of little use, as well

    • Therapy for this disorder is most effective in a residential treatment center or a correctional facility

      • Therapy aims to teach what is socially acceptable

Prognosis for APD

  • It is unlikely that patients with antisocial personality disorder will change their behaviors as a result of therapy

    • Particularly for patients with psychopathic traits

Fortunately for society, individuals with antisocial personality disorder typically improve after age 40

Audio 0:34:15


placebo effect Describes the increased effectiveness of medication on depressed patients who feel better simply by taking any medication
Dialectical behavioral therapy Best way to address the impulsivity, emotional disturbances, and identity disturbances of Borderline personality disorder